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My name is Dr. Don Burnham, author of this blog entitled, “Whispers To and From The Holy Spirit.” The primary purpose of this blog is to share with you, my brothers and sisters, in Christ, how the Holy Spirit whispers to me and how I whisper back to Him. That is, how we communicate, as Jesus promised we would do.

Through this blog, I also wanted to show and tell Christians how to see clearly that the Holy Spirit is an active third person of God with the explicit purpose to keep us connected to Jesus. Yes, the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity, and it is necessary that we receive Him into our hearts and worldly life to be with Jesus and Father God, here on earth and for eternity in heaven.

The most important learning and understanding that can come from this blog are that you can communicate to and from the Holy Spirit, which is most necessary to walk and work with Jesus Christ in this world.

The Holy Spirit is a gift of God the Father, requested by Jesus Christ to help us after He left this earth. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand God’s will. There is entirely no way without the Holy Spirit that we can live the words of the Our Father prayer “thy will be done.” So many Christians attempt their walk with Christ without the guidance of the Holy Spirit to show them the way. The right and full connection to Christ and God the Father cannot be happen without the Holy Spirit.

Recently a TV evangelist said, “If you’re not saying, then you’re not praying.” He was implying that if you are not talking to God, you are not really in prayer. I think the most, important question Christians can ask themselves about their prayer life is “Am I listening to God? Do I hear what He has to say to me?” If you do not hear God saying anything to you then maybe you are just not listening. Maybe you are not staying quiet and still long enough in His presence for you to hear his words? God, through the Holy Spirit, wants to speak with you, privately and intimately. He wants to do it on a regular basis. God communicates with us in many ways, through our pastors, ministers and priests, the Bible and other spiritual writings, as well as through other people, events, and even dreams. However, God wants to speak directly to us through the Holy Spirit.

He promised that before he left this earth in John 14: 26

26 “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

Can it be any more precise than that? Jesus said the Holy Spirit would teach us and remind us of what Jesus said while on this earth. Now, please tell me how the Holy Spirit is going to do that if he does not talk to us.

Further on in John in 16:12-15, Jesus says

12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine.

He is sending the Holy Spirit to guide us and tell us the truth. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would speak to us and tell us only what he “hears.” Now, what did Jesus mean when he told the apostles over two thousand years ago that the Holy Spirit “will speak only what he hears.” Well, isn’t it obvious? Jesus meant that the Holy Spirit would speak only what he hears from God the Father by way of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Thus, the Whispers to and from the Holy Spirit will come from Jesus who gets it from God the Father. The Holy Spirit is one of three persons in one God. So being the third person in God, the Holy Spirit reaches out to be by your side and in your heart so you can stay close to God Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is our direct line of communication with Jesus Christ and Father God and our first defense again Satan and the evils of the world.

This blog intends to create a Christian Community that is committed to helping all Christians understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our salvation and that we can.