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In Me There Is Victory

My son, there are so many
challenges that my people
must confront such things
as anger, pride, judging others,
lack of patience, fault finding,
unnecessary curiosity, prejudice,
bias opinions of people, places
and things, dependence on others
instead of me, the need to be in
control. There is  no way you can deal
with these challenges unless
you are in my grace.
You cannot do it alone and
only trying to do so leads
to your suffering and the
suffering of those around you.
As you have found being in the
state of grace allows you to take
these challenges and throw them
at the foot of the cross.
These challenges then become
mine to bear and not yours.
It is only your God who can deal
with your shortcomings for you,
with you and through you.
You cannot go it alone.
Many have tried only to spend a
life wallowing around aimlessly,
without purpose, and in sin.
In me, you will find the hope
and strength you need to defend
against the attacks of your “Self”
Satan and the World. You are a
warrior in my army fit to win the
spiritual battles that come against you.
In me there is victory.

Dr. Don’s Reflections

I tried to fight the battles of my world and spirit by myself for too long. I don’t know how many times I had to lose one of these battles because I was not up for the fight.  But that was why I was defeated all the time because I thought I was up for the battle. I thought I had what it takes to solve this or get through that or win this challenge. But I was never equipped to win. Maybe I won some battles that I fought by myself but any victory through my sole effort was always short-lived.

It was not until I surrendered my life to Christ that I was able to mount a real battle. It was through the grace of God I realized that my journey would be full of battles and that through and with Christ I would win enough battles to win the war.  What does winning the war mean? It means salvation, my eternal life with God.

With Christ winning a battle does not always look like a victory to the world. The world defines victory in a much different way than Christ. So while in Christ I won the battle to the world it may look like I was a loser.  I found this very hard with which to reconcile. Because when I won a battle through Christ I wanted to look like a winner not only to Christ but to the world and that does not happen very often. As it reads in Isiah 55: 8-9

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

I realized I had to keep my mind on victory in and with Christ and not be concerned with how those victories look to the world. That was not always easy because while the angels blew their trumpets for my victory in Christ, I too wanted to blow my trumpet.

After enough battles in Christ, I realized that the important thing was to fight the battle in a Christ-like manner through the Holy Spirit and to let the rest of the world go by.  As a Christian warrior, I fight under the command of Christ, not the world, and after a while knowing that was enough for me. 

Dr. Don’s Comments

Have you been fighting life’s battles and not scoring wins?  Are there battles inside of you that you have been fighting for years and making little or no progress?  Do you feel that you are losing ground even though you feel you are trying as hard as you can?  Do you have the sense that you are all alone in your fight to get some peace in your life?  Maybe you need some help?

No, I am not talking about a banker, lawyer, teacher, or counselor, you may need their help too but I am talking about getting help from your Lord, God.

So many times Christians think that Christ through the Holy Spirit is only available to aid in spiritual matters but nothing can be further from the truth.  With the Holy Spirit within you, you can seek aid from God in all aspects of your life. 

Having trouble with your marriage, God can help you,  Are your finances hurting and you are facing bankruptcy the Holy Spirit can counsel you.  Are you stuck in a job you hate and that leaves you unfulfilled, Jesus Christ can lead you to where you need to be?

You got to realize that when Jesus left this earth, he asked the father to send to his followers the apostles the Holy Spirit.  He told the apostles that the Holy Spirit will guide, teach, comfort, and counsel all his followers. However, he did not mean just in their spiritual life but in their secular life also. 

Here is what the apostle John wrote in John 14:16,

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever”

And in John 14:26 he wrote

 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you”. 

Here John calls the Holy Spirit the “Helper” which is to say the Holy Spirit will help and teach you what to do by reminding you what Jesus said and did while on earth. 

If you are fighting your battles by yourself whether they are spiritual or secular you need to call upon the Holy Spirit to help you for he was given to you as a helper. 

If you’re a Christian and you have not accepted the Holy Spirit and you are living your life at a great disadvantage. Even if you believe you are walking with Christ your walk is not as strong as it could be if you were indwelled with the Holy Spirit. You are spiritually handicapped without the Holy Spirit. If this is where you are in your spiritual development you need to stop right now and say something like this, “ Dear Lord, I accept the Holy Spirit into my life. The same Holy Spirit you sent to the apostles over 2000 years ago.  Fill me with the fire of the Holy Spirit and allow me to follow his lead in every aspect of my life”.

If you say something like these words your life will change. You will win have fewer battles in life and the ones you do have you will win with “Victory In Christ”.

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