in you i am


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In You, I Am

Dear Lord why did I let
the world shape my
existence when my
existence belongs to
you and should be
shaped by the essence
of your being?
Why is it so much easier
to do the will of the world
instead of your will?
Why so many times did
I care more about the world
measuring me instead of
how you measure me?
Yes I am in this world
and I ask your forgiveness
for the countless times
the demands of the world
came before the commands
of you my Lord?
I realize that the only way
I can be lost to the world
is to be lost in you through
the Holy Spirit.
May I find the strength
to be who I am in you
instead of who I
am in the world.
In you I am.

Dr. Don’s Reflections

Christ has always been with me. In my baptism, I received the Holy Spirit and when I received my confirmation I became through the Holy Spirit a warrior for God.  The problem was that I did not understand that spiritually just intellectually. I never realized how important it was for me to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit in my life so the world would not get a hold of me. 

It is very shameful for me to say that I did let the world shape me and took no refuge in the Holy Spirit who according to Christ was to come from God the Father to help us in this world

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, to be with you forever. John 14:16

For the first 32 years of my life, I had no idea of the role of the Holy Spirit and it was not until I was baptized in the Holy Spirit that my true relationship began with him.

Many Christians think being baptized in the Holy Spirit is hokey spirituality. But in Luke 3:16  John the Baptist answered his followers by telling them that he baptizes with water but the one who is mightier than he is coming and will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. That is exactly what I got and it changed my life. 

My walk with Christ has been directed by the Holy Spirit and it has not been an easy walk all these years but that is because the world had such a hold on me. It had shaped me and the Holy Spirit had to reshape me and that process has taken years and is still going on.

At this point in my life, I am at the point where the only shaping I need is from Christ via the Holy Spirit and that is the only shaping I want.

I ask the Lord’s forgiveness for the hold I let the world put on me and I surrender to Christ for him to shape me totally to the point that I am no more. I am lost in Christ.

Dr. Don’s Comments

How much does the world control you as a Christian?  Do you find it easier to answer the call of the world instead of the call of Christ? Do you feel it easier to meet the demands of the world rather than the commands of Christ?  Do you realize that the world and its essence includes the call of Satan and the surrender to self-pleasure?

Answering these questions should create an awareness in you as to where you are with your walk with Christ and where this walk is taking you, if anyplace at all.

Here is what I have learned you cannot make progress with your walk with Christ unless you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Without the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit, you are no match for the world, Satan, or your “self”. It is just too hard.

If you are a Christian that is being shaped more by the world than by Christ you are in trouble.  With Christ, you cannot be shaped by the world and shaped by Christ too. Christ will not just shape part of you and let the world shape the rest of you; He wants to shape all of you. That is the way Christ is, it is all of you or nothing. A piece of you cannot receive salvation it has to be all of you.

I know how hard it is for many Christians and maybe you to accept total surrender, for me it was hard and still is. But somewhere in my walk, I realize there was no other way. I have to give it all to Christ or give it all to the world, I could not and you cannot give a piece of you to the world and a piece of you to eternity. It does not work that way.

If you are not in total surrender to Christ then that is Ok as long as you want to get there. Christ knows how hard it is to turn totally to him while in this world and that is why he gave all Christians the Holy Spirit.

So be sure to turn to the Holy Spirit and tell him that you want to get to giving yourself totally to Christ.  Tell him you don’t think you have the strength.  Or be honest with him and tell him you’re scared for the world is too much of a lure, Satan is so demonic and you, your “self” enjoy the pleasures of the world. Open up to the Holy Spirit and he will open up to you. You cannot get the Holy Spirit unless you accept him and you cannot do that unless you are honest with him.

You can win the battle to lose yourself in Christ. You just cannot win it alone.  Just think about when you are drawing your last breath who do you want to have shaped you when it comes time to die? Your answer to that will give you the direction you need to go in your life.

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