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Who am I

Search not to define yourself
against the backdrop of the world
but rather see who you are in me.
The question about who you are
lies in union with me.
To find out who you are
does not lie in finding out
who you think you are or
who you want to be
but who you are
in my creation.
Settle not for your false self
you see in the reflection
of the world
You must seek your
true self in me
and in doing so
that becomes
your life’s journey

Dr. Don’s Reflections

The weakness of humanity will never cease to amaze me.  Since Adam bit the apple to become someone he wanted to be instead of being well with who God made him to be, man has sought his “false self”. I think that most Christians have found their “true self” by way of their “false self.

Take Paul, who put early Christians to death yet became a great follower of Christ.  St Augustine led a wildlife fathering a child out of wedlock before he became a believer in Christ and ultimately a Doctor of the Catholic Church. St. Thomas Becket was the richest man in England aside from King Henry and he ended up giving it all away for the glory of God. Countless big-time sinners became Saints during their life’s journey.  So my journey through my false self into my true self is not an isolated event. It is not just me who had to lose myself to find myself.

Make no mistake about it my Life’s Journey has been daunting but even when I was most lost; I felt the pull of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. And that pull was telling me that the way I was following was not his way. There was a better way. Yet, even though I got the message I still sought the offerings of the world, the pride of self, and the temptations of Satan.

However, the pull to Christ never left me. I may have tried to ignore it but I never could. They don’t call Jesus the “Hound of Heaven” for nothing.  He came for me over and over again and was there when I recognized what I was actually after.

I realized I was not where the Lord wanted me to be and it was at that point I accepted God and began to move closer to Christ to receive him more fully. Little did I know how up and down this life’s journey would be and that the Lord would be always there to help me move forward and find my true self in him.

In the end, I could not settle for my false self. I had to be true to myself by finding my true self, that is, not who I thought I was or wanted to be but who I was in Chirst, in creation. I realized the only place I could find my true self is in God.

It is not that I have found my true self totally. I haven’t, but I am a lot closer to it than I was a year ago or even a month or two ago.  The finding of self is a journey that is constantly moving forward and in the direction God wants it to go. This journey to my true self is impossible to complete without the aid of the Holy Spirit.  For me, it was hell on earth to try to go it alone.

Accepting Christ is one thing for I knew he was sent by Father God.  However, accepting the Holy Spirit is another. To accept him I had to recognize him as my counselor, teacher, comforter, advocate, and guide.  In accepting the Holy Spirit it was as if he was saying “All Aboard” on a journey that would lead me to not who I wanted to be but who I should be in Christ.

Dr. Don’s Comments

Have you spent a lifetime feeling like you are someone who you were never meant to be?  Has the world painted a picture of you as to how they would like you to be and you spent your life trying to meet that expectation? Have you reached your self-set goals only to find it did not get you to where you wanted to be? Were you taken in by the evil Trinity of Sin, Self, and the World? Has all this led you to chase your “false self” instead of your “true self”, the person you really should be?

There is another trinity that can lead you to your true self. It is the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the son, Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. This Trinity can reveal to you your true self through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Remember Christ told his Apostles that he would ask the Father to send to them the Holy Spirit who would guide them, teach them, and remind them of what Christ said while on earth.

That same Holy Spirit is available to us and in that relationship you will  find your true self. If you do not have the Holy Trinity in your life you are subject to wandering around this world in your life never to find who your really are.

Without the Holy Trinity, the Trinity of Sin will lead you to your “False Self” that is finding who you are outside of God. You see yourself as the world sees you and you are willing to sin to get there by serving Self and Satan.  Any place the Trinity of Sin takes you is not good, it is not Godly.

Without the Holy Trinity, you are by yourself fueled by pride and led by Satan within the reflection of the world to be someone who you are not, that is your false self.  You cannot find who you are outside of God. It has to be within the realm of the Holy Trinity. Who you really are, your “True Self” lies within God. There is no other place the finding of true self can take place except in the sacred heart of Jesus.

Your salvation is about finding who you are in God, not who you are in the world. So as a Christian if you are caught up in a worldly search for your true self, you will never be successful in finding you.  For you were created by God and his intent was for you to live your life on earth preparing yourself for salvation anything different is not who you are supposed to be.

For the Holy Spirit to lead you to your true self you must surrender your prideful worldly search for who you are or who you want to be and leave it to the Holy Spirit to lead you to the real you.  It is worth the journey for sure.

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