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My Good Is A Reflection Of You

Whatever good is in me
belongs to you dear Lord
for years I thought that
any good within me
was of my own doing
but now I know that
every ounce of good
I have ever had in me
or ever will have
is of you.
It is your grace that
created any good in me
your blessings that gave me
the strength I needed
to be good.
Any good in me
is a reflection of you
and the result of your
continued effort to make
me in your image

Dr. Don’s Reflection

It is amazing how we humans think that we are the source of any good we do  I use to think that. I guess it is only human to think so. However, when I matured spiritually I realized that any good in me or from me is of the grace of God. And frankly, I did not like that realization.

That is not to say I am a bad person it is just to say it does not take a long time to live in this world to get corrupted by conceit. Conceit, according to “is an excessively favorable opinion of one’s ability, importance, and wit, etc.”

Conceit is an insidious attitude that permeates one’s mind convincing a soul to think all that is good comes from him or here.

It was the Holy Spirit that highlighted this for me and showed me that true everlasting good can only stem from God.

If you ever dealt with a conceited person you know there is no convincing that person that the good they do may be bad.  It was not until the Holy Spirit showed me that good intentions do not always bring good. The good which is generated from the grace of God is all-powerful, pure, and never corrupt.

It was evident that the more I surrendered to the Holy Spirit the more capable of good I became.  And while the good that was extended came through me the source of it was the Holy Spirit and not me as I had thought for years.

The good that comes from the grace of God is different. It looks for no reward or recognition.  It requires no thanks.  It always does what it set out to do. It may cause the giver of the good to sacrifice and suffer or even die and the good given lasts forever.  God’s good is always everlasting. Once given God’s good will always remain.

Thank God I can see that now and realize how puny and pathetic the good I gave out of conceit was.  All true good comes from God or said another way “All good, good comes from God.

Dr. Don’s Comments

Can you understand what I mean when I talk about the good that comes from you as opposed to the good that comes from God through you?  It is the source of good that we are talking about.

You are only human and subject to all sorts of worldly ways such as bias, prejudice, anger, pride, lust, etc.  So the good that comes from you does not necessarily come from a source of purity. But when the good you do comes from God, it is pure, unselfish, sacrificing, and in so many other sinless ways.

So when you want to do good do not believe that the good you extend has to come from you, that is to say, your being.  Always when you want to do good the first question you should ask yourself is “is this good of me or the Lord.” If it is from you it is corrupt. If it is from the Lord, it is pure.

Now, this does not mean that you do not deliver the good of which I am writing, no, it means Jesus through the Holy Spirit is the source of good that you are to give. When you know this, you know that the good is not tainted it has been purely sourced and given to you to present. In other words, God is doing his good through you instead of you doing your good through you.  Does that make sense?

If you check any good you want to extend in the world to be sure it is from God and it is you can be sure of its reach and effectiveness.

There comes a point in your spirituality where you have become so close to Christ that even the simplest good, like keeping your mouth shut in an argument is a good from God. Your goal, and the goal of all followers of Christ while on this earth is to get so close to Christ that all we do is of him, by him, with him, and of him. Christ is Christ through you.

That is being lost in Christ. That is when all good you do is from Christ.


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