spiritual gifts and responsibility


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An Extreme Responsibility

I the Lord am here with you.
looking at your present
                                                                               difficulties in life. At times                                                                                You may doubt my existence.
yet I am with you at all times.
From these challenging times
a new way will surface.
It will be my way, not your way.
You have tried to have your
the way in life long enough.
Now that you will come
to be with me soon
you must spend the time
you have left on earth
living in my will
You have an extreme
responsibility to pass
on the truth, you know
about me to others.
This now must become
the most powerful purpose
in your life along with
the care of your wife.
Draw your strength from me.
I am all you need
for what you need.


Dr. Don’s Reflection

This is a powerful message.  While I got this Whisper several months ago it is certainly appropriate for the times we are in now.  There is one major thing I have noticed about the Whispers To and From The Holy Spirit and that is the messages delivered are timeless and universal.

This Whisper is telling me to share what I know about the greatness and grace-filled Jesus Christ with others.  The Holy Spirit points out that I do not have a lot of time left on this earth (I am heading toward 73 years old) and that whatever time I have should be spent on delivering truths about Jesus Christ whether we are in good time or bad times.  For sure, Jesus wants me to know that he is with me in both and no one knows that better than me.

I am told in this Whisper that I have a responsibility to share what I know about salvation and the role that Jesus Christ should have in the life of a Christian. This Whisper tells me that doing this is the major purpose I have left in my life. 

Even though I realize the truth in this Whisper it has been and is now always hard for me to see myself in the role of telling people about Jesus.  True, through my intimate relationship with Jesus and with the counsel and comfort of the Holy Spirit I know a lot about Jesus. I have an intimate relationship with him. I know how he is all-loving and essential to our salvation; however, I never felt worthy or qualified enough to go full throttle spreading the word.

Yes, I have my prison ministry and my visit the sick ministry and this blog, but the fact is I never feel can do enough in the service of Jesus Christ.  I do pray often that I will be given the direction and the courage to do more. I hope that with the years I have left I can increasingly give my life to letting people know that a relationship with Jesus is the way to seek peace and happiness.


Dr. Don’s Comments

What in this Whisper speaks to you.  Do you feel as I do that you are not doing enough to tell others how a relationship with Jesus can change your life?  Are you explaining to others how important the Holy Spirit is in having a relationship with Christ?  Here is the bottom line, your relationship with Christ comes with the responsibility to spread the word.  You cannot follow Christ without feeling the responsibility of telling other people how great a relationship can be with Jesus, as well as, how to get one.  This was made clear in Matthew 4:18 when Jesus said,

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

Telling others of your wonderful experience of Christ is “fishing for people”. You probably feel you did not sign up for this when you first accepted Christ and that is understandable but as you become more mature in your relationship with Christ your responsibility as a “fisher of people”, as a “searcher of souls” for Jesus should have become more clear.

Now don’t feel you have to stand on a corner and preach about Jesus that may not be your skillset. But Jesus who gave you your God-Given Gifts which we call our skillset will show you how to use them to fish for people to be saved by Christ.

You may be a compassionate person who helps the sick and yes, that is a way to fish for people but whatever you do must be in the name of Christ and you must make that known.  You must give credit for your good works to Jesus Christ so the glory belongs to him and not you. For a true seeker of souls for Christ does it all for the glory of God. When you are doing good for people you must become a road sign pointing to Jesus. In all, you do you must always be pointing the way to Jesus.

I know you may be thinking, hey, I did not sign up for this, and I get it. But the fact remains as you grow in and with the love of Jesus you are going to be called to serve but serve in a way that is unique to you. The Holy Spirit will never lead you to serve Jesus with skills you don’t have. You either have these skills already or Jesus will give them to you to get the job done. As he said in the Whisper to me, I am with you at all times and so it is with you, Jesus is with you at all times.




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