Become One With Me


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Become One With Me

I am cleansing you constantly
through your praise and prayers
and silent time with me.
You now know
the more of you
that you give me
the more of you I want.
This cleansing, this conversion
does not stop
until you have become
one with me
in thought, word, and deed.
This cleansing does not stop
until you have totally
died to self and have become
fully in me
in thought word and deed.
In me, you shall live forever.

Dr. Don’s Reflections

In this Whisper, the Holy Spirit is making it clear that my walk with Christ is a cleansing process. And through prayer, praise, and meditation the Lord is cleaning me up, changing me forever. I can feel that process happening, I mean physically and spiritually, I can feel the Lord working in me and on me. The more time I spend alone with Him, the more time he wants with me and the more I want to be with him.

I love my prayer time with God for through the Holy Spirit He speaks to me and converts my very being. I feel as if it is a process that will not stop until I become like Christ and to do that I need to die to my “self.” I am OK with that.  I want to die so that Christ can be in me and we can be one. This means my thoughts; words and deeds will be of Christ, pure, peaceful and loving.  I have come a long way from where I was when I got the call from Christ and I still have a long way to go.  I am reminded of that each day when I think wrongly of someone or I become angry or engage in some other Un-Christ like behavior. 

In my prayer time, the Holy Spirit will say to me, “what do you need from me today and I reply “Take a piece of my “self”.  I don’t care what piece you take.  It could be a piece of my selfishness, greed, lust, my judging ways, I don’t care, as long as a piece of me dies today. It can be a small or big piece, as long as, it is a piece of something that will help me die to my “self”. You choose it, dear Lord. 

I know what I am and what I have been so I am willing to die to self. I welcome it, although I must say it is not easy because I like things my way.  For me to die to my “self”, I have to hand control of my “self”, my total life over to God.  I am here to tell you that is not easy and it is a process.  One that will last a lifetime and maybe beyond for all I know.

Dr. Don’s Comments

Do you like to control people and things? Your spouse? Your kids? Your friends? Your coworkers?  How about events? Do you like to control the way things turn out so they turn out your way?  Wanting to be in control is the number one stumbling factor in being able to follow Jesus.  How can you follow someone’s lead, even God’s lead if you feel you must always lead yourself?

If you are having trouble following Jesus or connecting to the Holy Spirit, I can tell you without a doubt that it has to do with your need to control which is fueled by pride. Are you saying to the Lord by word or deed that you feel that your relationship is much better with you in charge, if so, let me tell you something, you don’t have a relationship with Christ?  For in a relationship with Christ, he controls you, you don’t control him. So you must realize that the call to “surrender” is upon you and unless you do surrender you don’t have a relationship with Christ. I don’t know how holy you think you are but without surrender to Christ holiness can not be had.

Once you give control over to Christ he can begin to work with you as he did me. Believe me, I did not surrender easily. The Lord had to show me how things worked in my life when I take control and as I look back on my controlling ways, I can tell you what I see is not pretty. I finally figured out Christ should be the leader in me.  By the way, how is your life going under your control? Think about it.

If you have surrendered to Christ know that he is cleansing you and will continue to do so until you can comfortably live in his control.  Christ gives you the Holy Spirit to help you be comfortable, counseled, consoled while he leads you to salvation.

If you have not surrendered to Christ, then do so now, You know your need to control has stunted your spiritual life and earthly life, I am sure as well.   You can do it by saying three easy words to Christ. “I give up.”  and then get ready to become one with him.

2 thoughts on “BECOME ONE WITH ME”

  • Joe Chirillo says:

    Well, Don, today’s blog sure hit home with me. I know all this and I attempt to live it, but as you stated, it is not easy. Your words are both reassuring and encouraging. Every morning, I awaken and, once again, try to die to self. It has become easier since I have become willing to allow Him to help me transform into the man He wants me to be, the kind of man who pleases Him. Of course, I’ll never get there completely while I’m alive, but as long as I am making progress, I will continue to fight this very, very good fight.

    • If we could only accept ourselves the way Christ has accepted us. We are so much harder on ourselves than we need to be. What we do not realize is that Christ is not looking at how much we got done today but rather what is our intention. Is it our intention to die to self so there are less or ourselves and more of him. Now the intention is there but maybe the follow-through is not. Maybe we did not quite make ti this day. But Jesus knows we intended to make it and through our human weakness it did not happen. Christ is OK with that for he is patient and he can accept as far as we can get because he knows we will get farther because he sees our heart.

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