It Is In You That I Am


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It Is In You That I Am

How possibly Lord can
I seek your likeness?
If it was not for your
love for me and the gift
of the Holy Spirit
to even think I had a chance
to become like you
would be insanity.
With your grace, I can realize
what seems so impossible to me
because all things are so easily
possible through and to you.
That is why in our relationship,
I must depend on you
and not myself.
It is in you that I am.
It is only when I leave
the power and potential
of your being, I begin to doubt.
My faith becomes challenged
and without returning to you
I will succumb to my
questions and unbelief.
But when I remain in you
all things are possible
even those which
seem far beyond me.

Dr. Don’s Reflection

The further I move from the Lord the weaker I get. I have become so dependent on his grace and spiritual connection.  I cannot imagine souls who are living a life without him when I cannot live an hour without thinking of him and the intimacy of our relationship.

I suppose to some that sounds like someone weak that can’t stand on his own. Well if it does sound that way it is because it is like that. I cannot stand on my own without the Lord and his all-powerful Holy Spirit.  I did not plan it to get that way it just did. As our relationship grew so did our connection and our ability to be one in and with each other. I depend on the Lord and I am lost without him who comes to me through the Holy Spirit.

It is much like my marriage to Alice. After 51 years we have become so connected. It is not something you make happen it is just something that happens. And when the relationship gets rocky you realize that you have been together too long to be comfortable apart. And so it is with Christ, apart from him I am not comfortable. Even though I have this intimate relationship with him sometimes life and its happening pull me apart from him and that is when I am my weakest without the Lord I love. 

In this Whisper, I am telling the Lord how I feel so weak apart from him and without reconnecting with him I am left to the whims of my disbelief and challenged faith. That is not what I want even for a little while so I always scurry back to the depths and safety or our relationship that we have developed over the years.

I know all things are possible with him and whatever he wants me to do I can do it even if I think I can’t. Lord, it is in you that I am.


Dr. Don’s Comments

How do you feel about your relationship with the Lord? Is it a “Sunday” type of connection?  In other words, do you feel by going to Church on Sunday you are building a relationship with the Lord?  Wrong?  If your relationship with God is a “Sunday” type of relationship you will never reach intimacy with the Lord.  You may be fulfilling your obligation but that is exactly what your relationship with Christ is an obligation.

Unless the Lord is the “love of your life” you will never have the depth of faith you need to be a true Christian. Nor will you ever really have a true love to give to others.

You may say the love of your life is your spouse and if that is so you have not reached an intimate state with Christ for God must become before all people and things of this world even your spouse.  And if you put the Lord before all people and things of the world you will be able to love your spouse and all God’s people with the true love of Christ.

Have you noticed that when you stray from Christ even if your relationship is a “Sunday” relationship you feel weaker, that is, less able to deal with life properly?  Of course, the further away you get from the Lord the weaker you are and the more life becomes a burden.  However, with the Lord, in the intimacy of your relationship, you realize that all is possible with the Lord.

We all stray from the Lord at times and I am sure it is no different from you.  I am sure it does not take you long to realize that being away from God even if it is a casual stray from your relationship, that your faith is bombarded with doubts and fierce challenges. 

It is important, actually, vital that you move forward in your relationship with Christ with a thirst for an intimate relationship. If the Holy Spirit sees your desire to be intimate with Christ he will make it happen but it all begins with a desire to go beyond that “Sunday” relationship.

You will know that your relationship with Christ is intimate when you feel you cannot live without him and that when and if you stray from him, you feel the challenges to your faith and your weakness in dealing with those challenges. It is then you realize that the essence of your being is in, by and with Christ.

3 thoughts on “IT IS IN YOU I AM”

  • Bill Thayer says:

    Great Word Don. I Don’t take a step without the Holy Spirit
    I pray that every soul on earth would find the peace that comes with the abiding Holy Spirit.

    • Bill, sorry for taking so long to reply to your comment. Your comment says it all. Without the Holy Spirit a Christian has a troubled life both in the flesh and the spirit. You cannot walk with Christ without a relationship with the Holy Spirit. End of story.

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