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We Are One

When you reach
the state of oneness
you look not
with your eyes
but with your soul.

Dr. Don’s Reflection

Most of my Whispers To and From the Holy Spirit are much longer. But this Whisper which came to me today in my prayer time did not need to have one more word.  The Holy Spirit said it all in this one sentence. Once in awhile the Holy Spirit speaks volumes in such few words. Once he told me “The more time you spend with me, the more you will get done in the world.” Think about that one, but not now, let review the Whisper that he gave me today.

If I were to separate and analyze all my ups and downs, good times and bad times, happy times and sad times, hard work and leisure times,  holy times and not so holy times there is one thing in life I sought. And that is to be one with Christ and by way of that happening one with the world and everybody in it.  I believe I am getting there or the Holy Spirit would have never pointed this out.

I did not realize by seeking to be one with Christ you are seeking to be one with creation and everything in it. The sky, clouds, sun, plants, the ocean,  animals, everything I can see all of it as part of creation because I am part of creation. Therefore; I am part of everything that was created by God.

I have to admit; I have been chasing this for a long time without knowing what I was after. Of course, I was seeking inner peace, and I think that inner peace comes from a feeling of “Oneness” with all God’s creation.  I do not mean you have to hug a tree, but in this “Oneness,” of this whisper you feel the existence and the energy of that tree.  This sure sound crazy to the practical Dr. Don, but to the spiritual Dr. Don, it makes sense.

You know when I water my flowers on a hot summer day I can feel how happy the flowers are in getting a drink.  I can feel their energy and their happiness in being soaked.  Now from my worldly perspective, I would say I am ready for the looney bin, but from a spiritual perspective, it is as the Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning.  “When you reach the state of “Oneness,” you look not with your eyes but with your soul.”

Dr. Don’s Comment

In our humanity being one with all of creation is impossible. This phenomenon is particularly so in today’s world where everyone takes a side, and if you are not on their side, you do not deserve to live. In the eyes of Christ, we are all one. It does not mean we accept all views whether they are right or wrong, good or bad, sinful or not. It actually, indicates we have a sense we are all connected.

You may think, how could I be connected let’s say to the Unabomber, a crazed killer but you are. Granted it I a very bad connection but there is a connection of creation there.

No matter how happy you are in or with the world if you are not seeking oneness with Christ, that happiness is not real, nor with will it withstand the trials of life. It is seeking Christ within your walk with him that brings about the real bliss that comes with the “oneness” to which the Holy Spirit refers to in this Whisper.

That oneness requires a long, difficult walk with Christ, but I can tell you from first-hand experience that the difficulties found in a walk with Christ are much better and easier than the happiness of the world.

So ask yourself, what are you giving more importance and energy toward; seeking the offers of the world or are you seeking what Christ has to offer which is the “Oneness” with him and his creation.  I am not there yet, but I am getting closer to it.  And my prayer for you is that you also seek to get closer to Christ and the “Oneness” he has to offer.



  • Standing or walking in a field, looking out, whether its blue skies or grey skies, just being able to breathe in the fresh air and feeling apart of something bigger is truly remarkable. The idea of being a part of the “One” or oneness is comforting and that alone should be enough to ease the apprehensions and fears that current life circumstances toss in our way. And that I am grateful for. It is those times that I feel I am truly a part of something and when I am away from that environment the inner battles begin, and the ease or peace that I feel is so often lost. The trick is being able to feel the same way during the turmoil. And trick may be a poor choice of words so let me say the challenge is being able to feel a part of something so much stronger, so much bigger that the battles are minuscule in comparison.

    • Jill, I am sorry I did not see your reply. Your words are that of a soul that has been weathered by the battles of spiritual development and showered with His grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Look down in the sand my dear friend in Christ and you will not see your footprints
      Have a blessed Easter and know in his rising, He has raised us up too!

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