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It Is All Yours

You are special to me.
What I am, you are.
What I have, you have.
The world is yours.
It belongs to me.
I gift it to you
and all that is in it.
The birds in the air
are yours.
Hear them sing.
The clouds in the sky
are yours,
see them cluster.
The oceans that roll
are yours,
hear the roar.
The rain is yours,
feel the drops.
All life is yours,
in every breath.
Live life to the fullest.
Stop and realize
how rich you are
in me and with me.

Dr. Don’s Reflection 

Without knowing who we are and who we have been, we cannot begin to become who we need to be. Life belongs to us because our life was a gift to us from God.  But not just our life, this world and everything in it is a gift from God. We may not appreciate seeing the sun, the clouds, the blue sky, the ocean, the birds, yes there is so much we take for granted. It is like a loved one giving us a gift, and they see we do not use it or appreciate it, surely, that would make them sad. So too is it with God. He gives us all the gifts in the world, and we do not appreciate them or use them, and if we do, we do not use them right. How sad that must make God Feel.

For far too long I could not see the majesty of his worldly gifts. I concentrated on the problems; I got to graduate. I got to get that job. I got to support the family. I got to be successful.  All my “got to’s” kept me from smelling the flowers, feeling the raindrops or watching the clouds glide through the sky.

So often I would get lost in the drudgery of life. I thought sure I was put here to struggle and strain through the days of my life. But when I accepted Christ slowly but surely, that changed. I could see his worldly gifts and when I did so many things I took for granted became blessed to me including my own life.

I realized that I was a work of perfection for and by God even though I may have corrupted that perfection with my sinful and stubborn ways and at times still do. I concentrate on all he has given to me without considering my undeservedness.  I know some people think God does not give. But I am here to tell you that God is a great giver, we are just poor receivers. That is what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me in this Whisper.

   Dr. Don’s Comments

I think many people fail to see the worldly gifts of God as I did. But it is hard to see these worldly gifts if you first do not view your life as a gift. You were given life to live in this world so you can be ready for the next. And while that happens, God gifts us with so many beautiful gifts of the world that you overlook and do not appreciate.

Do you want to draw close to God?  Do you want to think of yourself as a gift?  Do want to feel majestic? Then start recognizing, appreciating and experience God’s gifts to us. Take a slow walk in the rain. Lie down on the ground and watch the clouds slide.  Walk the beach and don’t just feel the sand under your feet but hear the waves roll. Plant a flower. Catch a sunrise. Touch and taste the gifts of God around you and you. These are all appetizers to touching and tasting the goodness of the Lord.

We may not be in the Garden of Eden, but the world in which God gives us to live is a daily working miracle machine. When you realize all these worldly gifts and your gift of life from God, then everything around you seems majestic

So treat yourself, accept it all as God’s gift to you. For this I know, he is the giver that never stops giving.





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