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Run Where, Dear Lord

I feel like quitting Lord
quitting, my walk with you.
It is not because
you do not do for me
but rather
I do not do for you.
Being in your presence
reminds me
of how Christ-like
I need to be.
Then, sadly, realizing
I do not even come close
makes me want to run.
But run where, dear Lord
to the world and what it offers,
to my own selfishness, or
to my lack of loving others.
No dear lord, once your love
is experienced one can only
run to you. For when one runs
to you, one runs
into life not from it.
You are my saving grace!

Dr.Don’s Reflections

I am not sure when I spoke these words to God, but I sure must have been feeling down and out.

I get that way sometimes. I start thinking I am not good enough to be following God and being a warrior for Christ.  I call into question my intentions, and  I feel the call to not only to follow the faith but to promote it is far beyond me and somehow I was chosen by mistake.

This all leads me to think “what’s the use.”  I can never make the grade and maybe I just need to go back to what I was before fully accepted Christ into my life.  Ok, so I say to myself if that is what I want to do then where do I go?  Where do I go if I am not loving and living with Christ?

It does not take me long to realize; I have no place to go except to be with Christ.  I may not be where I should be in my walk with him, but the fact of the matter is I am walking with him.  And I further realize it is not Christ telling me I am not good enough to be with him; it is the evil one. The evil one is not called the “Great Accuser” for nothing. Satan throws up everything with the hope of discouraging me from my life with Christ. Here is what I know.  No matter how to discourage I get with my walk with Christ, I will never stop that walk, that life with him. For having experienced that love, I have no place to go. It is as it reads in the Bible  in Proverbs 26:11

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.”

So how can I go back to my humanity without having divinity, I can’t. It would be like eating my own vomit. How sick is that? I can’t quit on Christ for quitting on Christ is worst than quitting on myself.

No way. Discouraged or not, I move ahead for I know that discouragement will pass and the light of Christ will encourage me. It always does. So when I get like that, I go nowhere but to the foot of the cross where I am renewed and made safe.

Dr. Don’s Comments 

Have you ever felt like following Christ is not worth it?   Have your shortcoming and sins made you feel you are not worthy of Christ?   Was giving it all up a thought that you had when you do not feel up to following Christ?  Well, I have good news for you that is part of the walk. That is part of building your faith.  For faith is not faith if it is not tested and made strong. Part of building your faith is feeling like walking away from it and then not doing it.

God knows following Christ ways are not easy. It is not humanity, its divinity. And being divine on this side of heaven is really hard, even just trying to be is.  If it was not the world would be a much better place.  But the call of Christ is upon you to set your human desires and wants away that produce the seven deadly sins of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger and sloth.

Again doing this is not easy that is why you have a lifetime to do it and the grace of God to help you for you cannot do it by yourself.  And when you become discouraged with your walk, it is because you are thinking you are doing it by yourself and you are not. Satan wants you to think you are all alone and you are here and Christ is over there and you got to get to him by yourself. That is crazy, but it is the craziness of Satan cast upon you. 

Nothing could be further from the truth that you are alone.  No way.  When you feel discouraged and wanting to quit, that is when you must realize that Christ is not over there, he is right by your side. That is when you must realize as I did that quitting and going back to my own ways is like eating my own vomit. That is how bad leaving Christ and returning to your old way would be.

You must remain diligent and aware that Christ always is with you and even if you think he is over there, far from you, he is not, he is right beside you and always will be.


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