The Sweetness of His Love


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My Love Is Pure

My love is sweet.
When you truly feel
my Godly love, which
comes from your inside out
You are swallowed up
in an “abyss” of love
so deep you can never
reach the bottom.
You feel like you are
floating in the air,
supported by nothing but
my ageless spirit and
the grace which claims
you for eternity. The world
and what is in it
matters not.
Being with me absorbed
by my love is what
you have sought all
your life. Your endless
sin-stained pursuit of the
savior of the world,
Jesus Christ has placed
you in love beyond
all understanding.
My love is endless.
It cannot be made by man.
Man’s love is corrupt;
my love is pure
And it is in the purity
of my love that
your endless life
is found in the glory
of my being.


Dr. Don’s Reflections

Here is what I found out over the years walking with the Lord and that is “God is a great giver and I am just a poor receiver.”  I cannot count the times that my loving giving God has tried to give to me and I did not see the gift or I did not want it if indeed I saw it. But now after many years of suffering from not accepting the gifts that God wanted me to have I think I finally get the routine.

Now I am always looking for his gifts. One of the first places I receive his gifts is in my alone time with him. There I hear his Whispers which teach me, convict me, correct me and counsel me and comforts me. What a gift. Imagine having a heavenly counselor in your life.  I have also learned that the Lord gives us gifts through other people, events, what we read particularly the Bible. It is through his gifts that God orders my life and if I do not accept them there is no order in my life.  But the absolute greatest gift he gives me is his love and everlasting forgiveness.

It is not until I reached an intimate relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit that I knew and felt his true love. His sweet love saturates me and is so sweet that no matter how much of his love I have I always want more.  When my life is a life in the love of Christ nothing in the world matters. Sure I have to be in the world but with his love, I know the world does not define me. I am defined by the love of Christ.

When I finally let myself receive and experience the love of God, I realize that it is his love which I have been seeking all my life. Even when I was not actively seeking I very much wanted it. Now I know why. To get lost in his love is to experience an abyss that you know must be a tasted of eternity. We were all born for one purpose and that is to seek the love of God.  What else can heaven be except to fully receive the love of God and exist in the greatness of it? I pray I get there.

Dr. Don’s Comments

Have you complained that God was not blessing you with gifts? Well, maybe you were like me and just a poor receiver.  Your Getting and accepting gifts from God has a prerequisite and that is you must be obedient. To be obedient you have to be in touch with God primarily through the Holy Spirit. Do you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit?  Now don’t reply that you worship Jesus and God the Father. Because if you are not connected with the Holy Spirit you are not operating on all spiritual cylinders. 

When Jesus left to go to the Father the last thing he told his apostles is John 16 7-15
7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”

So here it is right from the mouth of Jesus “The Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”  And that is the love of Christ. If you want to receive the love of Christ you need to be in, with, by and of the Holy Spirit. That is the main purpose of this Blog and that is to raise the importance of relating to and getting gifts from God through the Holy Spirit. Open up your heart to the Holy Spirit and he will fill it with the love of God.

If you do not have a relationship with the Holy Spirit but you have a walk with Christ get in a quiet place and stay there for a half-hour.  When you have become calm and peaceful just say “Dear Lord, you promise your people through the Apostles that you will send us the Holy Spirit to help us/” I know you have been sending the Holy Spirit to me but I just have not accepted him. I now fully accept the Holy Spirit so I may fully receive your love and get to know you better. Please allow the Holy Spirit to descend upon me now. I ask this in your Holy Name and then get ready for love beyond all understanding.



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