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Soaking In Your Grace

Dear Lord, how do I proceed
to you and in you
when I feel so unworthy.
Showered in your
love and kindness I feel so
undeserving and ill-prepared
to be of service to you
and your people.
But yet I am here
in your shadow
soaking in your grace
to help me deal with
my sinfulness.
I must realize more fully
that it is only through you
that any good from me
can come. Any service I
can provide for your glory
is not about me
it is all about you.
May that always be.


Dr. Don’s Reflection

I cannot help feeling unworthy in the presence of Jesus Christ even though I know he does not look at me that way. But when I look back on the sinful ways of my past life, I say how did Jesus ever stick with me? I mean talk about unconditional love.  It gets no better than God’s love for me.

It was only through his grace that I have been able to stay on the path to salvation. So many times I gave in to the ways of the world even though I was soaking in the grace of God. But not once did Jesus say,

“Don’t come back.” I was always able to go back to him in a state of repentance and ask for his forgiveness and move on.

Jesus not only forgave my sins but he forgot them.  Unfortunately, I am not good at doing either. Jesus forgives me a lot easier then I forgive myself. And certainly, his ability to forget my transgression far exceeds mine.

Nevertheless, I know I am forgiven and showered in his love and kindness while I work on allowing God to work through me using his son Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Everything that I am is in Jesus. Any good that comes from me is through him. I praise and glorify God for that.

Dr. Don’s Comments

Do you fall in your walk with Christ?  Are you aware of his grace given to you in your life?  Do you realize that you cannot have a successful life as a Christian without the grace of God?  If you are living according to God’s will even if you are trying but failing at it, God will give you unlimited grace to be strong in your walk.

Jesus knows you cannot do it by yourself that is why he sent the Holy Spirit to be your teacher, guide, advocate, wonder counselor and more.  The Holy Spirit is the vehicle of grace from Jesus.  The Holy Spirit delivers to you grace abounding in the love of Jesus. This grace gives you the strength to walk strongly with Christ and when you fall it gives you the good sense to seek forgiveness from God and move on.

Whatever grace you need to live a full life in Christ you already have if you have accepted the Holy Spirit to live in your being. Don’t try to go it alone. You are never alone when filled with the Holy Spirit. He is always with you even in the dark spots of your life, the Holy Spirit is there.

Let me ask you to take some time when you are alone in a quiet place.  Ask yourself is the Holy Spirit active in your life?  Are you relying on the Holy Spirit and the grace he delivers from God or are you oblivious to his presence?  You must become aware of the Holy Spirit within you for him to work and walk with you. 

Look at it this way, If you had a guest in your home and you did not know he was there. You walked by him each morning and never saw him or spoke to him. Well, that guess would be present in your home but you would not be enjoying a relationship with him because you did not acknowledge his presence.

It is the same thing with the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is present in your soul but you do not acknowledge his presence then there is no possible way you can have a relationship with him. You do not even know he is there or if you do you are ignoring him.

To have the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your life makes a huge difference in your ability to follow Christ. So take some quiet time and meditate on the presence of the Holy Spirit within.  If you know he is there embellish his presence and ask him to manifest the grace of Jesus Christ in your life. If the Holy Spirit is not present in your life, then you must invite and accept him to be active in your life.

Let me put it this way. If Satan wanted to attach a Christian and he saw two practicing Christians with one having the Holy Spirit and one not. He would go the one not having the Holy Spirit because for him that Christian would be easier prey. Think about it.

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