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The Intimacy of Jesus

Lord, it gives me
such great pleasure
to be in you
with the intimacy
that you and I have.
It is you who has
bestowed on me
your good graces
in words and
the wisdom of the ages.
I thank you so much
for I not only hear
your words but I
store them in my heart
with love, joy, and peace.
You never gave up on me
when my prayers
were empty words.
Now my life is so
connected with you
that without you
my life does not exist.
With all the energy
you give me, and in
the midst of my sinfulness
I will come to you always,
asking forgiveness for my sins
and to be received into eternity
with you.

                                                         Dr. Don’s Reflection

For many years I knew of Christ, but I didn’t know Christ. He was a deity to whom I prayed, but it was not an understanding of his grace or greatness even though I may have been right in the middle of it. And so many times I was and simply didn’t know it. But deep down through my sinfulness, there was this great desire and understanding that there was more to having a relationship with Christ then I was experiencing. I wasn’t sure what that was until I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1978 ever since those days I have grown to not only know Christ but to share an intimate existence with him. And that is really the essence of an intimate relationship with Christ you know you are in him and he is in you. A relationship with Christ is a continual loss of self in him to the point that all his greatness is yours. It is what he promised n John 17:10

All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them.”

This is my goal to become one again, and when that happens all his is mine, and all mine is his to the point that this spiritual mystery glorifies him. I am not there yet, sadly, I have a ways to go, but I am becoming less of myself every day. I praise God it continues until I am no more and fully in me he is. My every prayer is for that to happen. I know the goal now. It is the secret of life and the way to eternity. No one or nothing in this world will deter me from it. I may procrastinate, stumble and fall to but I will always rise again so that I can rise with Jesus Christ.

                                                          Dr. Don’s Comment

Jesus never gave up on me. He knew that I knew that he existed. But just knowing Jesus isn’t enough. It’s a starting point, and if you stay at this starting point throughout your life, you will be battered by Satan, the world and even yourself.

Are you making progress in your walk with Christ? Are you closer to him this month than you were last month? Christ wants to share with you not only his intimacy but his power. In Christ, you have untold potential which may be not accessible to you now because the intimacy with Jesus needs to come before his power. Jesus is not going to give his power through the Holy Spirit to just anyone that just exclaims, Lord, Lord. There has to be an acceptance of the Holy Spirit and a commitment to follow his lead to love and know Christ. When Christ sees that the graces flow, big time.

So ask yourself are you serious about following Jesus so your life can be his? Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit coach, counsel, convict and comfort you along the way? If so all you need to do is let the Holy Spirit know in your own words that you want him deeper than ever. And then watch how your life changes.

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