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The Sweetness of His Love

In my love
you will find sweetness,
the sweetness of my strength.
In my love, lives my very essence,
I can be found in nothing else.
It is only in my love that I exist
and that I can be seen and felt.
You can be looking at me
in all my creation, and
if you do not do so, with love
you see me not. I can send
you many graces of my being,
and if you do not receive them
with love you receive them not
You can live your entire life
in this world, and if you have
lived it without my love you
have not lived at all. Life with me
is divine love. I speak not of
the love of the world that
comes with conditions and
expectations but only my
love that asks for nothing back
not even love itself. This is
the sweetness of my love.
This is my love’s strength.

                                Dr. Don’s Reflection                                       

Here is the Holy Spirit in a Whisper to me with such a beautiful description of his love. If I ever wondered about the essence of God’s love, I never wondered again after this Whisper. God’s love is the essence of who we are or should be. It is the sweetness of life. It took me years to realize that God’s love is in all his creation.  A flower, the sky, the ocean, all the animals, in landscapes and city skylines and anything and all else that is created, there will God’s love be. There is nothing that can be created by God or man that does not come from God’s love, except evil.

To live this life without knowing the love of God is not to live life at all. In this Whisper, the Holy Spirit is telling me that his love is found in everything that is good. I never have to ask the question where is God because I know he in me and is in everything that is around me. I am never alone, nor am I never without his love. He drenches me in His love with constant reminders of his creations in the world. 

I am not simply talking about “I love God, and God loves me” type of love, no it is not that simple.  The love of God I know is deep, wide, and all-encompassing. It is in and overall existence, and because God has chosen me, he has given me the fullness of his love. His one of a kind love is unconditional. When I am down and out; when I am sad, mad, or glad. In sin and without sin, I have the love of God near me, by me, with me and in me.  With God’s love, I could lose all that I have and all the world has to offer and still will have everything I need. In his love, I am totally protected and provided for all the days of my life and into and through eternity.

This special love God gives was there for me all the time, and I did not know how to see it or feel it for what it was.  I now know and feel that God’s love is divine. In my humanity, I have a hard time explaining it. However, I am OK with that because it is understood that God’s love is beyond all understanding. 

 Dr. Don’s Comments

This is the best I can do to describe the “sweetness of God’s love. The reality is you will never understand God’s love until you experience it, and you will never experience it unless you totally surrender to him.  He is a God that cannot love you “a little bit,” nor will he let you love him “a little bit”  With God you got to be all in as is explained in Revelation 3:16

“So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” 

Running a cake sale at your church every week does not cut it with God.  Being in prison ministry is not enough.  Visiting the sick does not put you in relationship with God. Giving generous donations of money to great causes is just that generous. In other words, all the great acts in the world do not lead you to the love of God.  It is the love of God that leads you to perform great acts for Him. Service to God comes out of your love for him and his love for you.

Is this love that I am trying to describe to you something you want?  Is your relationship with God based on how hard you work for him and not how much you love him?  Do you want to be soaked in the love of God every hour of the day even when you are sleeping?  Well I have good news for you you do not have to earn this love I am writing about, no you just have to acknowledge and understand that it is yours for the taking. All you have to do to accept the great love of God is to accept it. You need to be Triple-A, that is you need to ACKNOWLEDGE his love, ACCEPT his love, and ACTIVATE his love in your life.

Do not worry about doing this alone. Do not be scared away from this great Godly love. You have been given the Holy Spirit to help you drown yourself in God’s love. He will guide you, teach you, counsel you, and comfort you through the entire process.  All you have to do is sit quietly in a silent place and say something like this,

“God, I do not really understand a love like yours because I am so used to man’s love with all its conditions and qualification.  I believe I qualify for your love for no other reason than you created me and your son Jesus Christ died on the cross so I would be deserving of all God has to give me.” 

When saying this understand that God’s love so different than man’s love.  You do not have to deserve God’s love.  His love is yours. All you have to do is receive it to the fullest degree that you can wherever you are in your walk with Christ. The longer you walk with Christ, the deeper and more intimate the love of God becomes.

Do you know what a gift that is?  Do you know what a life changer it is to realize the love of God?  It is amazing to be in the midst of the craziness and evil, of the world, yet when you know God in his intimate love, all of this worldly stuff is outside of your relationship with God. You are in the world but not of it.

Do not waste another moment if you do not know God’s love; accept it now. If you do know God’s love, then open your heart to receive his love more fully.

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