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The Power and Potential

The power of my grace
is yours, Sin is part of who
you are, and grace is what
I am all about. My grace is
sanctifying you. It is yours
to accept and live in always.
Do not reject my gift of grace
because you do not believe
in yourself. It is because you
believe in me that the full
acceptance of who you are
will be made known to you.
I am the power and potential
of saints and sinners alike.
Your full acceptance of this
is key to your salvation.

Dr. Don’s Reflection        

The Lord is constantly reminding me of how blessed I am. I have been walking with Christ now for over 40 years, and when I stand in the light of God, I just feel so unworthy. I feel like Adam and Eve; I just want to hide.  But then I realize that this feeling is brought about by Satan in an attempt to get me to give up my walk with Christ. The longer and deeper my walk gets with Jesus that harder Satan comes at me.

It becomes apparent that the problem is not with God but with me. I just do not know how God can include me in his greatness and glory, but he does. It is as if I feel totally out of his league. Yet, I am still in the game, not because of my worthiness but because of the grace of God. It is only through the grace of God that I am who I am. It is through, by, and in his love that he accepts me for who I am regardless of how many times I fall and fail.

In this Whisper, the Holy Spirit is telling me that I need to understand that sin is part of who I am. He wants me to know that God knows that and accepts it. God reconciles my sinful ways through his grace. So he is basically saying, “Look, Don, although you try not to sin, you do. There is a difference between leading a sinful life and leading a life in which you try not to sin but do.” The Holy Spirit is telling me that God has me covered with his grace and forgiveness, which he sends to me in abundance. For me to reject his grace and forgiveness because I think of myself, unworthy is thwarting his plan for me. The fact is I am unworthy, but I have been made worthy by the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Living the Godly life is not about believing in myself, no, it is about believing in him.  I need not judge myself, condemn myself, or render myself unworthy. All I need to do is believe in God, and his son that was sent to the earth for all men to know and follow.

To make this happen, the Holy Spirit has been sent to me to help me believe in God fully and live my life accordingly. I am not left by myself to do this. The Holy Spirit has taught me it is accepting Christ that allows me to accept myself, and in doing so, the power and potential of God become mine.

Dr. Don’s Comments

You must feel the way I do at times……so unworthy to be counted in the company of Christ.  Please do not dwell on that feeling for they are given to you by the evil one. He knows what despair a feeling such as unworthiness can cause to a soul in their walk with Christ.  When presented with your unworthiness by Satan, whether it be by thought or feeling you must think the following:“Jesus Christ came to earth, Satan shows me how to live and love, and while I may not be perfect at it I am getting better it, and I reject your presentation that I am unworthy for in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit I am worthy of all Christ, and the father can give to me.”

The reason Satan is coming to us with his “unworthiness claim” is that it is a natural weak spot in us. The world tends to give us a feeling of being unworthy.  It could come from our parents, teacher, classmates, spouses, co-workers, and in today world, social media.  These things and people can make us feel that we are less than we should be in our life. That is not so, however, with Christ. 

The Holy Spirit is whispering to me that it is crucial to my salvation to believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ and it that grace I can be all that I need to be in this world. Jesus passes us his “power and potential,” and Satan does not like that. He knows the more power and potential we have, the more of a warrior we become in Christ. That is the last thing Satan wants. Hence, he plays the “unworthy” card. Do not entertain that thought or feeling. Know that with Christ, and through the Holy Spirit, the “greatness and grace” of the heavens is yours.

Do you feel unworthy to follow Christ?  Do you think following Christ is only for the saintly?  Do you feel inadequate in who you are and want to be in this world?  Are there people and things in your life that make you feel lowly?  You need to know that through, and in your walk, with Christ, you can deal with these feelings in a very positive and progressive manner. You do not have to deal with the sources of low self-esteem alone.  With Christ, you can receive the strength and wisdom you need to excel in both your spiritual life and your life here on earth. Do not go it alone. Do not exclude yourself from the gift of “grace and forgiveness” that Christ is offering to you. Accept it now and be blessed forever.

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