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With God’s Love

Lord, I know that in and
with your love,
I can be hungry
but there will always
be a banquet table
for me.
I can have no drink
but I will never be thirsty.
I can lose my possessions
but I will never lose my faith.
I can be imprisoned
but I will never be a prisoner.
I can fail
but I will never be a failure.
I can lose my home
but I will never be homeless.
I can lose all my money
but I will always be rich.
I can lose my family,
but I will always have loved ones.
I can be sad
but I will always be glad.
Things may seem hopeless
but I will always have hope.
I can lose my life
but I will never know death.
I can be hated and harmed,
but I will always love back……Agape.

 Dr. Don’s Reflection

In God’s love, you cannot be affected by the world. As it reads in the Bible, God’s people live in the world but not of it. When I was of the world, worldly things mattered to me, such as money, possession, food, reputation, and family and so on.  Now in God, it is not that these things do not matter anymore; it is merely that they only matter in relation to God. God comes first.

Through the love of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, I am transformed from a creature of the world to a being in Christ.  Is that not the way it should have been in the beginning? Who made me, the world or God?  I was a creation of God who became a creature of the world and through God’s mercy, the existence of Jesus Christ and indwelling of the Holy Spirit; I was reclaimed for God and His glory. God said to me, I am taking you back for myself so you will receive your inheritance of eternal life.  In being saved from not only the world but myself and the evil one, Satan, I am promised eternal life.

Dr. Don’s Comment

You may give up on yourself, but I can tell you from experience, Jesus Christ will not give up on you. With the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ was empowered to bring souls into the Kingdom, and he does. That is why he came after me, and he will come after you too!

They do not call Jesus, “the hound of heaven” for nothing. He knows you are lost, you know you are lost, and all you have to do is say, “Dear Jesus, come and get me.”  He does not need any long prayer or big sacrifice.  Jesus starts work on you if he sees one thing “Desire.”

If you have the desire, Jesus is coming to get you. You do not even have to love Him, All you need is the “Desire to love Him,” and Jesus will take care of the rest. Through the Holy Spirit, he will bring you closer to him and Father God and further away from Satan, the world and “self.” In doing so, he gives you the grace and greatness that makes you his holy vessel in the world but not of the world.

Are you ready for this grace and greatness of which I write?  Has the world and all the things and people in it given you the peace and happiness which you seek?  Think about it, and if the answer is no, then all you need to say “Jesus, I desire you” or “Jesus I desire you more.”  Then in his mercy and kindness, he will take it from there,




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