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The True Source of Peace

In trusting me
your life is better.
Have you notice
the calm and peace
it brings you?
Not having trust in me
only leads a soul
to trust in self
the world or Satan.
This leads
a soul to peril.
There is only one true
source of peace
and that is
in me, my Father God
and the Holy Spirit.
It is in this
Divine Tribune,
that your peace is
found and will abound.

Dr. Don’s Reflection

When I take time to stop and think about the one thing I always sought in this world it would be inner peace. The problem for me was I looked for it in all the wrong places. Somehow I got “getting ahead” mixed up with “inner peace”. As soon as I get married, as soon as I have kids, as soon as I buy a house, as soon as I start a business, as soon as I make my first million, as soon as I get my degrees, I will have peace. That was and is the biggest joke there is in life and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Yes, I was fooled, and I have the world, Satan and most of all myself to blame for it.

It is not that I ignored God while I sought peace in these things because, for sure, I was praying to him to help me accomplish them.  I was basically saying to God, “I am looking for peace in these earthly things and not in you so help me achieve them. It is not that I do not love you Lord, but I love these things too, maybe more. And, oh yes, dear Lord as soon as I achieve these things, I will have more time for you.”  How sad is that?

I was brought up in a world that taught me to get ahead, to be successful and that would bring me a sense of accomplishment and in what I accomplish I would find peace. Not so!  The fact is that in my every achievement I could not find the peace that I sought so I figured, well; it will be in my next accomplishment. Thus, I would set another goal to achieve and surely I would find the peace I seek in that new goal. It never happened. I was never satisfied, the peace never came, and if it did it was short lived.

It really was not until I started hearing and heeding the whispers of the Holy Spirit that things started to change for me. The Holy Spirit was sharing the wisdom of the ages with me, and I knew that the peace I sought was in truly living and loving in Jesus Christ. 

As I said I was fooled, and in that foolishness, I could have been lost to God forever, for eternity. Instead, the Lord took all those situations and used them as lessons to bring me closer to Him. Never did he have me out of his sight.

Think of it this way, when a baby starts walking, a parent many times will let the baby hold their fingers as they take their first steps. However, sooner or later the baby lets go of the parent’s fingers and begins to walk by him or herself.  Yes, the baby stumbles and even falls, but the parent is close by just watching out for the safety of the child never letting the baby out of the their protected sight.

That is how it is with God. He let me let go of his fingers so I could walk by myself in my own spirituality. I fell, I stumbled, but he was always watching me. I was never out of his protective sight. And when I could not get up by myself, he picked me up so I could start walking in his spirit again. 

I am still very much in this world, but I am not of it. I have a great wife, children, and a wonderful extended family and great Christian friends.  I enjoy worldly thing and believe it or not, at my age, I still have worldly ambitions. Now, however, all the people and things of my life are meaningless without the love of God. For in his love, I am. And people I love and the things I want to do are all ordered in his greatness which makes the people I love that more special and the things I want to do that more interesting.

Living and loving in Christ for me has been a lifelong lesson. It is not like taking a few bowling lessons after which I am rolling strikes. No, I have come to believe that this side of heaven is learning and loving experience which I believe has to last a lifetime to get us ready to live in love and peace for eternity.

Dr. Don’s Comments 

There are three things you have to watch out for when it comes to you sinfulness, they are, Satan, the world and your “self.” These three forces in your life are always challenging your commitment to and your love for God.

So many people lose their battle with Satan not because they fought the battle and lost, but they never fought it, to begin with. My friend, you got to realize you are in a battle each day with Satan. Satan wants to destroy your spirituality and connection with God along with your life on earth and in eternity.

When you were baptized, you received the Holy Spirit, and so the battle began. The Holy Spirit was given to you to fight off Satan. The Holy Spirit is meant to be your counselor, your guide, your comforter, your advocate, your teacher and much more. If you are living life without allowing the Holy Spirit to fulfill these roles in your life, you are fighting a losing battle with Satan. Because my spiritual brother and sister you cannot win the battle of life by yourself. End of story.  And if you are trying to do that chances are your life is a mess, and the only way you can get it straight is to call on the Holy Spirit.

Not only do you have to deal with Satan, but you must deal with the world in which we live.  Do you think we live in a Godly world?  Do you think the world is showing its light side or its dark side?  The world is a brutal battlefield, and it is used to bring Godly people down or prevent them from being Godly at all.

So many Christian embrace the world not knowing what it does to their spirituality.  Of course, there is light in the world, but in today’s world, the darkness is leading many Christians astray. This world is not a Mister Rogers neighborhood when it comes to spirituality. So you need to realize that and be prepared to deal with it. How? Together with the Holy Spirit.

And if Satan and the world are not enough with which to deal we have our “self.”  Most people like to satisfy self, and that is not all bad but when self-satisfaction is foremost in your life that is when the darkness reigns. Bad habits, addictions, self-indulgence, rebellion, disobedience, and overall sin will lure you to the point where not only your “self” is lost but most sadly, your “soul.”

I am here to tell you the only way you can deal with the darkness of Satan, the world and your “self” is to live in, with, by and for the Holy Spirit. For those of you who are doing that you know what I mean for it is written in Psalm 34:17

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.”

Don’t go it alone. Been there done that. If you are not walking with the Holy Spirit call out to him right now. All you have to say is something like this.

“Holy Spirit, I have gone it alone, and I have made a mess of things. I am sorry for the wrong things that I have done, and I ask for forgiveness. Take my life and make it straight and give me the ability to fight Satan, the world and my “self” through you so I may experience the true source of peace.”

If you say something like that and mean it. Your life will begin to change immediately. You will feel empowered and far less threatened by the three forces of evil.  Say it, pray it and mean it and watch what happens.

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