Your Success Is In Me

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Your Success Is In Me

How can you not succeed
when you are living
and loving with me?
There is nothing
you cannot do
when you are in
my grace.
Your Success
is in me,
not in the world.
Do not worry
about how you
are seen
by the world
but rather
how you and I
see each other

Dr. Don’s Reflection 

I am willing to thank the Lord for my successes in life because they were all truly of him. My failures, however, are of me, for sure. but realize this, “I have failed, but I have never been a failure.” 

As I reflect on my failures, I see that they were for the most part successes given to me by God which I took too far or not far enough. In other words, they were ventures marked for success by God but I screwed them up. They were opportunities missed for my inability to discern what the Holy Spirit was counseling me to do. Yes, I am here to tell you that the Holy Spirit makes a great business partner, but only when you listen to him and you are able to discern his message.

I find it rather amusing that when I wanted to hear the Holy Spirit, I would and could do so. But if the Holy Spirit was telling me something I did not want to hear, well then it was just my imagination. I found putting off what the Holy Spirit said to me as my imagination was a great way to not listen to the Holy Spirit and to get my way.

Read what I am about to write carefully. “Every single time I did not choose to hear the Whispers To and From The Holy Spirit or to hear the whispers and ignore them, I got in trouble. Every single time.

Now after years of corresponding with the Holy Spirit, I know his voice, but it took a while.  It is like the shepherd who herds his sheep, it takes a while for the sheep to get used to his voice but once the sheep becomes familiar with the tone and tenor of the shepherd’s voice, their shepherd voice is the only voice they will follow.

The Apostle Paul pointed this truth out in John 10:27-30. 

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.  My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”

I now know the voice of the Holy Spirit, and no one or nothing is going to “snatch me out of hands.”  I hear the Whispers To and From The Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit hears me. We talk to each other. The Holy Spirit has given me the gift of discernment to help me understand what he is telling me. 

In this whisper, he tells me that success in him is the only success that counts. And his success is not the success of the world that I have fully discovered. I have had much success in the world in my life and if you put them all together they would not come anywhere close to the great feeling of satisfaction I have in my successful walk with Christ.

Dr. Don’s Comments

Most of us at some point in our life have chased the successes of the world. Whether it be giving everything you have for the job promotion or being a workaholic to succeed in the business you own or trying way above board to be the best mother in the world.  Being the best is the same chase as being successful.  Usually, when you get what you chased after, be it being the best or being successful, it is never what you thought it would be. 

Is your life caught in a chase of something you have to have to prove yourself?  Are you spending a disproportionate amount of time on what you are chasing?  And are you sure that what you are chasing is what you want or need?  What are you giving up in your life to spend the time it takes to catch what you are chasing?  Are you ignoring God, your family, friends? Who is losing time with you because the world has enticed you to set goals that are all consuming? 

You must remember that the world is one of the three tempters of evil.  Coupled with Satan and your “self.” the three make up the “Tempting Trio,” and when they are all at work on you at once, only the grace of God can free you. 

So this is what I mean; if you are chasing success inordinately, so much so that your life off balance that is the world calling you to be successful at any cost.  Then you can bet Satan is right there edging you on by telling you “.you need to this success you chase?

Don’t worry about the family they will be there later, your doing it for them. And God, you can forget him for now for God knows your working hard, so you do not have to pay attention to him”.  You see what I mean you got worldly success sucking you in and Satan is right there reinforcing what you are doing.  But then, also, you have your “self”  which is your ego, telling you, you got to make good on this. You will look like a fool if you are not successful and everyone will look up to you when you catch whatever success you are chasing.  There you have it the world, Satan and your “self” coming at you throwing your life all off balance and an off-balanced life usually a life of stress and sin resulting in turmoil

This is why there is so much divorce in the world, and kids feel fatherless or motherless and unloved even when they have a Dad.or a Mom upon whom they can call. And if both Dad and Mom are caught up in a success chase, well, that is not good.  Many times the call goes unanswered or is answered too late.

I can tell you there never was a successful person that died saying “I spent too much time with my family or with my God.  Usually, death comes with a wish that you could have spent more times with your loved ones or God and in their service.  

Now do not get me wrong, success can be good but only when in it is properly placed in your life. In this whisper, I am reminded that all the success in the world matters not against the success and satisfaction that you can have with the Lord.  But this is very difficult to see and understand when you are in the worldly success chase.

In this whisper, I am assured that everlasting success is in and with God. In the eyes of the world it may not look like a success, but in the eyes of God, it is a success that is far deeper than whatever success you can get in the world. 

Your success with God may not look like the success of the world. It may not have all the “bling” of worldly success, but for sure it will be more rewarding than any worldly success you can find.  So here is the bottom line, success in the world that is not of the Lord is not a success at all. Godless success does not build you up; it tears you down.  Put God in all the success you have in the world, and he will bless you abundantly.




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